La semana que viene lanzamos los 3 primeros episodios. Aquí os dejo un trocito como aperitivo… No se lo paséis a todo el mundo, que no todos están preparados para aprender de forma divertida… Next week we’ll launch the firt 3 episodes. Here you have a little taste. Please don’t share it with everyone. Some people are just not ready to have fun yet… Era broma. Si os ha gustado, no seáis egoístas. Gracias por compartir! I was kidding. If you liked it, don’t be selfish, thanks for sharing it!! Suerte!!!
Podcast: Reproducir en una nueva ventana | Descargar
Un par de cosas para pensar sobre el futuro, y sobre el presente. Alguien me dijo que probablemente el trabajo que tendrán mis hijos el día de mañana no existe aún a día de hoy. ¿Alguien sabía lo que era un community manager hace 20 años? En esta web hay un inquietante estudio hecho por Oxford University y por Deloitte en el que intentan estimar la probabilidad de que dentro de 20 años, tu trabajo lo haga un robot. Interesante para el que quiera aprender nombres de profesiones en inglés y para el que aún piense que va […]
Dear Lucy, I’d like to inform you that I’ve decided to quit the Now Teach program. As you already know, the step I was about to take was particularly life-changing for me because it involved moving to another country with my whole family. I could come up with a lot of excuses to explain why I’ve decided to make this decision (I’m “just” forty something, I don’t think all we can live on a teacher’s salary, I’m not sure I can survive London weather/English food, even Brexit is a good excuse, why not?). But the only excuse I […]
El próximo sábado 18 de marzo, en el Liceo Erasmus (Bilingual School) se celebra el “Bilingual Education Day” (ver nota). Es una actividad abierta a todas las familias que lo deseen. Se pretende ofrecer a las familias herramientas prácticas y consejos para que puedan ampliar un entorno de aprendizaje bilingüe en sus hogares. Para mí es un privilegio el haber sido invitado para compartir durante un hora y media algunas de las experiencias de nuestra “Aventura Bilingüe” que contamos en el libro “Quieromilk: Aprende inglés jugando con tus hijos”. Además habrán un montón de actividades para los peques: deportes ingleses (rugby & cricket), […]
I took Peter Carter for granted and now he’s gone. What happened to him? Help PLEASE! Why does someone record something at home in order to help people learn a new language and a new culture? Why does someone do it for free? Why does someone do it for several years? I have no idea. But thank God someone did it. Peter Carter posted 289 episodes on his website called In my opinion, Peter Carter is the best podcaster ever. I’ve learnt so many thing thanks to him that I don’t know to return the favour. His […]
¿Qué día trae mala suerte? ¿Cuántas vidas tiene un gato? ¿Cuántos continentes hay? According to if we say that you’re taking something for granted, it can mean two things: 1) to accept without question or objection; assume: I took for granted that there were only 5 continents). 2) to use, accept, or treat in a careless or indifferent manner: Don’t ever take someone for granted, we usually don’t know what we have until we lose it. I took Peter Carter for granted. What day brings bad luck? Tuesday the 13th? No, of course, you already know that it […]
“People love chopping Wood. In this activity, one immediately sees results” (Albert Einstein) The previous quote means a lot to me, and if you are trying to learn a language, it should mean a lot to you too. If you want immediate outcomes, maybe learning a language is not the best idea. Try something different, like… yes, that. That quote was so important for me that I had the words “chopping wood” as my Whatsapp Status for a long time thinking it was very profound. Suddenly, one day I found out that to chop wood has another completely […]
Quieromilk (The song) With the song of my frog, I wake up every morning, I sleep like a log, but that tune can stop my snoring. (3 snores) (cock-a-doodle-doo) 1,2,3,4… In my house (in my house) There’s a kitchen (there’s a kitchen) In the kitchen (in the kitchen) There’s a fridge (there’s a fridge) In the fridge (in the fridge) There’s a bottle (there’s a bottle) In the bottle (in the bottle) There’s some milk (there’s some milk) I love milk (I love milk) You love milk (you love milk) We love milk (we love milk) QUIERO MILK […]
Last Christmas, Santa was very generous and very surprising. He not only brought a lot of presents, but also changed the way he gave them to us. As every year, he brought material things, yet this time, many of them were for the whole family to share (a Solowheel, a scooter…). Apart from material things Santa left a couple of experience-presents to share. The first one was a bunch of tickets for all of us to have free horse riding lessons (mainly because, as he explained on the letter he left, he […]
Tu y yo somos distintos, ninguno es mejor, sólo distintos. Esto hay que aceptarlo… como algo positivo porque every person is a new door to a different world (esa frase no es mía). Tengo que matizar que esto no lo estoy escribiendo para que lo lea mi mujer… aunque sé que lo hará… (TQM!) Hay otra frase que me ha acompañado desde la adolescencia (y esta sí es mía) es: “Cada persona es un mundo y cada pareja son dos”. Piénsalo bien. Cada persona es un mundo y cada pareja son dos. Esto sirve para parejas sentimentales (en […]