I took Peter Carter for granted and now he’s gone. What happened to him? Help PLEASE!
Why does someone record something at home in order to help people learn a new language and a new culture? Why does someone do it for free? Why does someone do it for several years? I have no idea. But thank God someone did it.
Peter Carter posted 289 episodes on his website called www.listen-to-english.com. In my opinion, Peter Carter is the best podcaster ever. I’ve learnt so many thing thanks to him that I don’t know to return the favour. His super educational podcasts were free, and not also I improved my listening skills a lot, but also I learnt a lot of interesting things about: Lady Godiva, Stonehenge, Peter Rabbit, how to say nothing, how much the Queen costs, the Parliament, rhubarb, the fifth of November, good manners, bank holidays, Pancake day, Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Topaz McGonagall (the worst poet ever in the English language), The Great British Donkey Race, painting the Forth Bridge…
Peter Carter is (or was, because he’s been missing for a few years) from Birmingham. I know that he had a daughter who was 16 (in 2010), but not much more… Unfortunately, his latest episode was posted on the 31st of January 2013. Four years later all we know is that his web and all the extraordinary information on it are gone.
What happened to Peter Carter? Not sure yet, but I’m going to find out. So far all I can do is to gather together all his podcasts and share them with you (easier said than done). To preserve his legacy is the best tribute I can pay to him.
What happened to Peter Carter? I took Peter Carter for granted and now he’s gone. Would you help me out? Let’s share this #whathappenedtopetercarter
Hello, nice to meet you!
I’m looking for what happened with Peter Carter since I realized that his wonderful website has gone. Do you have any news ? Find out something ? I sent him emails to two addresses that I have but was not successful.
I’m really glad that there’s somebody who enjoy his work and is looking for what happened with him.
Thank you for sharing some parts of his work 😉
I hope to hear from you.
Hi Luanda!
I’m so sorry I missed your comment. I don’t know why but WordPress didn’t send me a notification. Anyway, I hope it’s not too late. I’m still trying to find out, but so far I have no good news. I know there were a lot of people who enjoyed a lot with his podcasts, like us, and some have emailed me in order to find answers, but unfortunatelly, as I’ve mentioned, I have no idea what happened to Peter Carter so far. Be as it may, I very determined so I won’t give up. Please let me know if you get some information, so that I can share it here.
PS: We’ve just started a podcast. It has nothing to do with Peter’s, but you might find it useful.
He llegado hasta aquí precisamente por hacerme la misma pregunta que tú. ¿Has averiguado algo? Yo también solía escuchar sus podcast y hoy, al recuperar uno de ellos de mi MP3, he descubierto que ha desaparecido.
Hola Lucía,
Antes de nada debo pedirte disculpas por contestar tan tarde. No sé por qué no recibí la notificación de los últimos comentarios (quizá automáticamente se pasaron a otra carpeta de spam), pero te aseguro que no era mi intención tardar tanto en contestar.
Dicho esto, siento no tener buenas noticias. Hasta la fecha sigo sin saber nada. De hecho acabo de contestar lo mismo a mas gente, lo que significa que el lado positivo es que somos muchos los que disfrutábamos con los podcasts de Peter Carter y que algunos seguimos intentando saber qué paso. Si me entero de algo lo publicaré por aquí, y por favor si tu sabes algo antes, te agradecería que me lo dijeses y así lo comparto yo para el resto de interesados. Por cierto tengo intención de subir más episodios de Peter a mi página para que al menos esté disponibles para todo el mundo y no se pierdan.
PD: Acabamos de empezar un nuevo proyecto que a lo mejor te interesa.
Se trata de una serie de podcasts para aprender/mejorar inglés de una forma totalmente distitta. No tienen nada que ver con los de Peter Carter (son inigualables) pero quien sabe, quizá te apetezca dedicarles 5 minutos.
I enjoyed Peter Carter’s podcasts too. Thanks for sharing them.
Hello Guys, do you have any update about Peter Carter?