Mi correo, o mas bien mis direcciones de correo son como mi agenda. Cuando necesito recordarme algo, normalmente me mando un correo a mi mismo para recordarme anotarlo en la to-do list, en lugar de usar una de esas apps del tipo Evernote (aunque visto lo visto, más me valdría…). Este sistema más o menos funciona, si bien, desde hace nos días tenía la sensación de que se me quedaba algún email pendiente de leer/contestar, así que aunque estemos en mayo (si, en mayo), empecé a revisar correos desde marzo, y BINGO…el primer correo que leí fue del BLOG.
El BLOG (Sribbler in Seville) es el primero al que me suscribí, y de los pocos que leo habitualmente porque realmente me entretiene y me enseña a la vez. No sé porqué no había leído este correo, (I’m really sorry) pero menos mal que no lo había borrado, porque en él me mencionan!!! Que ilusión.
Menudo fallo, leer el post tan tarde, y eso que he leído todos los posts posteriores, aunque como su propio nombre indica, Better late than never…
La historia es la siguiente: Al parecer, el domingo 16 de marzo fue el día de la madre en U.K., (y yo me acabo de enterar que no es el mismo día en todo el mundo, porque aquí fue el domingo 6 de mayo), y en relación a ese día, vari@s bloggers, (fundamentalmente mamás, aunque también algún daddy) han estado escribiendo sobre la maternidad/paternidad, que deben de ser cosas muy parecidas y a la vez totalmente diferentes… (Esto parece un sinsentido pero no lo es). Han estado escribiendo y pasando el testigo para que otros escribamos… allá vamos:
Describe motherhood in three words
Togetherness, Plenitude, Sleepiness.
Does your experience differ from your mother’s – how?
Mine has nothing to do with my mum’s. Mainly because she got divorced when I was twelve and she had to bring up four kids (14, 12, 10 and 7 y.o.) and although she had some help from my dad, she had to be a SAHM and a breadwinner at the same time.
That made me mature earlier than I was supposed to (maybe that’s why now I’m trying to live like Peter Pan), and compare to it, my experience is “a bed of roses”.
Another “little” difference is that my mum didn’t have to look up words in a dictionary to talk with me…
What’s the hardest thing about being a mum?
Not exactly a mum, but, the hardest thing is to make them follow a few rules, (trying not to shout) and don’t become one of the baddies at the same time. In our case, my wife is the one who keeps our environment in the greatest conditions (healthy and tasty food, matching clothing for brother and sisters (she’s very Spanish), uniforms and all the stuff ready for school/music lessons/dance lessons, hairdresser’s, doctor’s,.. I’d need another page to go on…) but she is rather lacking in “authority”, so I have to act as the bad cop sometimes: don’t walk around barefoot, eat your lunch up, brush your teeth, don’t wake us up every 5 min., I won’t buy that toy today, please not so much make up, you won’t wear that “stuff” to go to school,…).
The other part of the role, is a piece of cake: playing, exercising, coloring, singing, crafting, hippity hop races… Although nowadays it is not easy to find the way to spend the minimum amount of time working out of home.
What’s the best thing?
Difficult to explain that. I suppose It’s the sensation of family. They are a part of you. Not only they look a little bit like you, but also they behave like you, and well, they even have your same defects. One of them is always kissing me. My hands, my cheeks, my hair,… just because she feels like it.
I love to make them laugh but I REALLY love when they try to make me laugh because they think that the sound of my laughter is funny. They’re absolutely crazy!
To stare at them every night before I go to bed, feeling that everything is OK. That is priceless.
How has it changed you?
Getting a partner, getting married or moving to a new flat didn’t change me too much. Having children turned everything upside-down. The “new I”, has little to do with the old one, but maybe I like to live where everything is topsy-turvy. I don’t go out as often as I used to, but that may not be that bad after all.
What do you hope for your children?
Happiness and good luck. I think they’ll need the latter.
What do you fear for them?
Pain: Accidents, illness, feelings.
What makes it all worthwhile?
My grandma used to say something like: “You eat it, and it will feed me”. I didn’t understand that phrase very well until I saw my kids eating. You never feel alone even though you’re not with them.
They grow as fast as Jack’s beanstalk while we try to shape them and everyday they make you feel younger. I’ve always liked singing in the street, watching cartoons, playing hide&seek and I don’t know when I stopped doing it, but now I can do it again. And now with them, trying to teach (and learn, off course) how to be a better person.
Como he escrito esto con dos meses de retraso, no me atrevo a pasar el testigo a ningún blogger, pero si a recomendaros que leáis blogs en ingles sobre cualquiera que sea el tema que os interese…sea lo que sea. Seguro que hay algo escrito, y si no, poneros a escribir…
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